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Information for Practitioners

According to scientific and clinical reports, parents who suffer from a mental illness or who were exposed to severe stress in their childhood often find it more difficult to respond appropriately to their child's emotional needs compared to parents without such stress. So when we treat patients who have children, we should also think about them and include parenthood in the treatment. In Aachen, a programme was carried out with Early Aids Aachen and Surrounding Area, which offers mentalisation-based teamwork and supervision. In Heidelberg and Berlin, parent training courses were offered at the Clinic for General Psychiatry at Heidelberg University Hospital and the Psychiatric University Clinic of the Charité at St Hedwig Hospital in Berlin. They aim to improve parents' ability to empathise with their child and are now being integrated into existing care systems.
Recruitment and data collection have been completed and initial results will be published on our website shortly.

Forschungsverbuende gegen Gewalt und Missbrauch in Kindheit und Jugend