ubica II

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Information for Healthy Participants

We also sought healthy control subjects to participate in our study at the Heidelberg and Berlin sites. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of mentalisation-based parent training, which is intended to strengthen parental relationship behaviour and reduce the risks of potentially harmful parenting behaviour. As mental disorders can have an impact on the parent-child relationship, for methodological reasons we are investigating the parent-child relationship in both healthy people and people with mental disorders.

The data collection has been completed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all parent-child dyads who participated in our extensive research in our research rooms (interviews, computer tasks, magnetic resonance imaging measurements, video parent-child interaction, etc.).

Kontakt für Studienteilnahme am Standort Heidelberg:


Kontakt für Studienteilnahme am Standort Berlin:


Forschungsverbuende gegen Gewalt und Missbrauch in Kindheit und Jugend