ubica II

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Subproject 3/2: Parent-child interaction and aspects of social understanding in children

Bio-behavioral parent-child synchrony and child outcome in the context of intervention effects

Locations:  Heidelberg, Berlin

This sub-project accompanies sub-project 2 "Parental training". On the one hand, aspects of psychological and biological synchrony between parents and child will be the focus of this sub-project. This synchrony or "coordination" between parent and child will be recorded in joint interactions between parent and child, which will be recorded on video. Before, during and after the interaction, cardiovascular parameters as well as hormonal parameters are recorded to determine biological synchrony. On the other hand, various aspects of social understanding are examined in the children by means of specific and age-appropriate tasks. Mental disorders can affect the synchrony in the interaction between parent and child and also the social understanding abilities of parents and children. Mentalization-based parenting counselling can help to improve this synchrony and also social understanding. For this reason, we are investigating parent-child interaction and social understanding in children of both healthy people and people with mental disorders. An understanding of the psychological and biological mechanisms underlying the effects of mentalization-based parenting-training can contribute to the successful development of this form of intervention and the development of new interventions.

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Forschungsverbuende gegen Gewalt und Missbrauch in Kindheit und Jugend