ubica II

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Subproject 1: Early Aid-Plus (Frühe Hilfen-plus)

Effectiveness of an extended intervention programme (Early Aid-Plus/Frühe Hilfen-plus) for children in the first two years of life

Location: Aachen

Early Aid-Plus offers practical help, counselling, and support for parents from pregnancy onwards and for families with young children. They especially aim at families who feel overwhelmed in their daily lives with the child and who search for support. Subproject 1 of the UBICA II Consortium at the Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy of Childhood and Adolescence at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen has the aim of verifying whether the work of the Early Aid can be further supported by mentalization-based teamwork and supervision. Mentalization skills describe the ability to empathize with others in order to facilitate the handling of difficult relationship situations in families supported by the Early Aid-Plus team. In particular, this project examines whether greater compliance and improved acceptance of support can be achieved by strengthening the mentalisation skills of the professionals, improving the networking of helper systems and consistent and coordinated access to families with all team members. In addition to a higher educational competence of the families being cared for through the Early Aid-Plus program, we expect a relief of the skilled workers and an improved climate of the Early Aid-Plus teams.

Forschungsverbuende gegen Gewalt und Missbrauch in Kindheit und Jugend